Saturday, 15 January 2011

Week of Woe

2011 has, so far, been a mixed bag. My basic reality has been somewhat exhausting, frustrating and reminiscent of 2010. My aspirations, on the other hand, are zinging and running around my head like a troupe of dancing pixies. These two forces have left me dangling somewhere in the middle. I'm waiting for one to end and the other to kick into gear. Currently, it's annoying.

I'm working two more five day weeks at the office. Not because I want to, but because I think Dave my have a breakdown if I don't help him out. It shall all end on 29th Jan and I shall return to my part time employment, lie-ins and solitary writing / reading marathons. But for now I hate living this way. I hate returning from work, struggling to cook something and then collapsing into bed. I actually felt relief when Friday evening arrived. I've never been the type of person that lives for the weekend but I actually couldn't wait for it to arrive. I died a little inside each day.

Enough of this, good things are a-coming. There's so many creative projects that need working on that I'm wishing away the next two weeks so that I can sink my teeth in; book, sitcom, poetry. There are also some social activities coming up that have me smiling too.

Poem based around and using words beginning with D shall be posted sometime tomorrow. I'll Boo it too, yeah. Wicked. Gonna go running now.

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