Sunday, 16 January 2011

A Poem and A Boo in D

As part of the ongoing excellence that is The Gingerbread Poets' Society, here is a poem written using lots of words beginning with D. You can read it or listen to a somewhat jumpy recording of me reading it below.

Despot's Depot

Digging digits devour dirt like hungry teeth in flesh,
Down to despot's depot where the deadly dangers rest,
Through dust and root and mud and sand and darkness dealing hands,
They drive defiling daggers through the dry and dying land.

Dreadful calls of muffled dread all mixed with soil and earth,
Defiant throats devour dirt, erupt with acrid births,
All mice and men and swine and herd and fish and snake and bird,
Descend like stones to depths below, demented and absurd.

Delicious death invades the nose and drums upon the eyes,
Derelict subconscious drones buzz around like flies,
Drink the cold and mist and fright for all the world is dead of sight,
As time decays, devours, consumes in gloom and woe and night.

Derisive hands and blackened teeth, reveal and feel and claw,
Detritus of the mind unwinds and searches for a door,
Shadows bend and wrap and cloak and loom and howl and choke,
For draggletails and dustmen both are set upon the smoke.

Decaying dump of dung and dregs, of forms that once were driven,
Ambition, will and decollated dreams bleed delirium,
Now dank and dark and dire and hate and loss and fear and fate,
Redemption drips on honeyed lips, diaphanous souls in wait.


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