Friday, 27 July 2007

I'm Currently Reading...

The End of Mr. Y by Scarlett Thomas...
...which is fantastic. Newsnight Review covered it last week and, apart from one lone voice, dealt it quite a hefty blow. I was a little baffled to hear then ranting on about 'where the beauty of literature has gone'. I'm finding Mr Y very intoxicating. It's very visual and provoking. As my great friend Sam said, 'It makes me want to write!' I can think of no better review for a book than one that inspires.

Lucid Dreaming
This is research but I'm actually enjoy it. Attempting to train yourself to understand that you are in a dream and then interact with the dream, change, mold it, understand it, is frustrating to begin with but later deeply fulfilling. I imagine it's much like deep meditation. I'll persevere and post any results here later.

Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis
I guess I just missed his entire rise to fame. I read 'American Psycho' back in 1996 or something but never really new just how much publishing power this man had. I just thought it was some underground novel that my sick friends were into. Lunar Park show the transformation in Ellis' life from the cocaine dens of the nineties to the emergence of a family life [cocaine still intact, mind you]. Not finished it yet but all good so far.

I'm about to read..

I Am Legend
The Classical World
Vernon God Little

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