I told you this blog was going to be in fits and starts, didn't I?
Well, another three weeks has passed since my last entry and, despite my brain insisting that nothing much has happened, lots has. I finished writing series one of my sitcom 'Dysfunctional' - previously titled 'SuperNova' but, due to a sitcom of that name currently existing (some BBC 2005 production about an astrophysicist played by Rob Brydon working in the outback, who knew?), I have now changed it. Any suggestions on better names appreciated.
Episode 4 was a bit of a nightmare to complete (although still too long) as it has many storylines and one-off characters, and tying it all up was (and still is a bit) difficult over thirty pages. It works now but needs refinement. On the other hand, episode 5 was plotted and written in 11 hours (straight through with tea and cake breaks only) and could be the best episode I've written. It currently features X-Factor runner-up or whatever Rhydian (but interchangeable with Chico, Sneddon whoever).
If anyone is interested in ready an episode or two and feeding back then hit me up. Be great to share and hear what you think.
I also got episode one licked into shape and sent off to the BBC. Finalists for the BBC sitcom comp will be informed in late May so I'm just filling in time before the big time calls. Yeah, okay. I'm positive though and filled with a sense of purpose for the first time in a long time. Have a few other sitcom idea kicking around in my brain so I'm going to crack on with those in March and April.
Well, this turned out longer that I thought it would. Splendid. Right, good. Bye.